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Wait a minute, I thought traps were girly boys that get buttfucked by bears - Goatmanlll
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Nuclear War

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Beta disabled during large back-end changes

What is this?


Planned stuff:

hey Posttwo, have you rebooted the server since I was last working on the socket server?
the whole server?
Scary. But alright
are we coming here yet?
what do i do here?
I miss clicked for main
Wait I'm not allowed here, why am I here. Confus
you're allowed. this needs beta testing.
B-But it doesn't open when I click it, I have no idea how I even got here.
what do you mean it doesn't open?
hilarious memes
Visibly quicker, but more dead than last nights fuck toy D:
Yeah, this is under contruction.
Soon it will be k <3

Well sounds like you had fun
Oh yeah, after all the digging.
Dude. I live next to a cemetary.
Its easier sex than a preschool.
Well atleast it something.
Also, do yous know how to break .rar encryption without bruteforce?
Cuz like that'll take forever, even if I find a program that will bruteforce more than 3 characters
bruteforce is the way D:
Welp, fuck it.
Too much work for porn that might not even be there
Its the end of the penis as we know it
Smegma clowns.
I'm just posting here so it says I participated.
ah well. thanks for helping out
It didn't happen again...
I'll figure it out eventually
I'll post one more time and copypaste the text incase that was it.
I'm just posting here so it says I participated.
can you post another thing. a strange error happened when you did and I wanna see what I can do about it
New root test
This is my board now.
hello there.

how did i get here?

probably by accident. wasup?
stuff and things.
Socket server crashed again threadz
I found the issue and resolved it.
so are we gonna make pt2?
maybe we are
1rv34 I found a polyfill for web sockets that uses an invisible flash object.
It has support for IE 8+, Firefox 3+, and Chrome 4+.
Will that be broad enough support?
the fuck is polyfill?
and i just mean like, if sockets fail, fall back on ajax, if no js is running, fall back to normal requests
but cuz you should start thinking about that last option from the start i think it's a bit of a lost cause now
Okay, I figured out a great way to make the ajax fallback work.
The ajax php script forwards incoming updates to the socket server using a local socket.
That way we only need to update code once!
wot u mean
oh nvm i geddit
and yeah usually it works the other way around but yeah it has been this way from the start :I
try to teach yourself to do things from compatibility to fancy, other way around always gives issues and a lot more work
I'm not gonna make a no javascript fallback. If you don't have javascript, you need a new browser.
But I will get ajax working soon.
polyfill is a thing that fixes browsers lack of support for something without changing how you write your code.
ohlel, kinda like jQuery for js and normalize for css
no. those require you to write your code different.
Polyfills just need to be imported and suddenly older browsers have the new features using the same API as new browsers.
ye das wat i meant
except for normalize, that one just makes shit consitent in every browser
exactly. I think. I haven't used normalize that I know of.
nigga it's not something you use...
you just implement it and done
i already implemented it here lel
no wait they do change the way u write lel
Okay turns out flash sockets are even more of a bitch than web sockets.
I'll just use ajax long polling.
long wut
long polling. A request is sent and the server waits until there's new info to send before it responds.
make sure to keep user abort on but don't forget to turn max time off
if u forget to turn max time off, script will just stop itself & if u turn user abort off too you'll have a shitton of waiting processes lel
This needs to be tested.
For science.

Jolly 1RV34 AvoidedUniform Cirno deathmeat Derpocracy idrk Iseewhatudidthar lilium Mercenaria Schizophrenia TherapeuticToaster Viven xoyv

Also my comment didn't appear after I posted it.
Had to reload the page.
Which browser and OS are you using?
Using Chrome on Windows 7 Enterprise

Also, just noticed that no one has their hidden titles or nametag backgrounds
I changed how that stuff is stored so we won't have to open ftp software every time we change something.
Right, well
Last thing i'm noticing is that this beta board takes exceptionally longer to load.
Images are loading fast as heck on here, but the actual page takes like 6, 7 seconds for me to load.
I'll see what I can do about that.
I like the pop up interface for new comments rather than this shit.
hey, I am not sure but "summon alliance" makes the page freeze a lil bit
okay, Now I'll add your quote to the top.
what needs to be done?
just click on everything.
everything seems to be working for me
**deathmeat rolled Seekay**
**deathmeat rolled idrk's mascot Filthy Frank**
deathmeat rolled Durex - Intimate Feel
**deathmeat rolled a 9 minute ban**
**deathmeat rolled Dragon Dildoes**
**deathmeat rolled 2**
**deathmeat rolled 91**
**deathmeat rolled 146**
**deathmeat rolled 4314**
**deathmeat rolled 15066**
**deathmeat rolled 190207**
**deathmeat rolled 1411301**
**deathmeat rolled 96941055**
**deathmeat rolled 437421549**

I hate it...
y u do dis
Okay okay I'll make a fallback. I thought i could make it work without one.
and this is exactly the reason why this site is so broken :/
non fancy but functional shit should be first priority, then the fancy shit should be layered upon
here it's only fancyness but breaks quick :I
ohboi :o
omg i was learning how to suck a dick
do the reverse of blowing up a balloon.
yea i thought the same
but it's a lot more complex
Derpocracy. Is this better?
whatever. I give up on trying to please you.
show us your butt, spread your butt
later. I'm pretending to work right now and that might be difficult to keep up if I moon my webcam.
god damn. i once thought this design was actually cool but when one is used to the current design and then looks at this one, the outlines of every single post are so irritating.
Is this any better?
A bit, at least the lines don't try to rape your eyeballs anymore.
You're right....
idk how i'm on here, i'm not on the lsit
Everyone is allowed on. This needs to be tested by as many people as possible before it replaces the normal thread.